Umami Content Blog for Industrial Marketing

A New Chapter: Launching the Podcast Copperberg Conversations on Manufacturing Matters

Written by Nina Roper Yearwood | Oct 6, 2024 5:57:31 AM

After years of crafting digital content for Copperberg, I feel fortunate to take on a new project: podcasting. Copperberg Conversations on Manufacturing Matters launched its first episode in mid-September. It’s a podcast that I not only helped create but pitched from the start. Seeing this idea take shape and grow has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m grateful for the support and trust Copperberg has given me to make it happen.

For over a decade now, I’ve been working in digital marketing from behind the scenes—creating content, strategizing campaigns, and building narratives. But this project has been different. Not only am I behind the strategy, but I’m also front and center in shaping the conversations and guiding the overall direction of the podcast. It’s exciting and terrifying in equal measure. It’s been a learning experience, but one that has given me a fresh sense of excitement and purpose.

Episode 1: Knowledge Exchange in Manufacturing

The debut episode covers knowledge exchange in manufacturing both internally, within the organization, and externally, in the wider industry. Lisa Hellqvist, Copperberg’s Managing Director, was the expert guest for this one. 

A veteran in the industry with over 15 years under her belt managing and orchestrating events of different scales for the sector, it was such a joy and a treat to be on the front seat, digging for more insights in real-time with her. What struck me the most about the conversation, and a theme I noticed, was the importance of passing on the intangible knowledge, those that don’t make it to the guidebook, and the role the more senior colleagues have in ensuring that there’s continuity in passing on the best practices and company culture. 

We also touched on how much to share and how much to keep close when sharing knowledge outside of the company’s four walls. I find this topic fascinating because you could be sharing a room with a competitor and a future hire–all simultaneously–so getting that balancing act right is crucial. What stood out to me was that sharing how you succeeded in a transformation or project is something that proves useful for the industry at large and boosts your company’s reputation in the sector. While there is perceived risk here that you might share information with competitors, since the project is done, and frankly, no one will have the exact ingredients–the people, processes, environment–that you had when it happened, then the benefit outweighs the risk.

Candid, Professional Discussions in a Trustful Environment

Why a podcast, and why now? Simply put, I was curious. I’ve spent years helping businesses tell their stories through content. Podcasting felt like the next frontier—a new way to bring those stories to life. The immediacy of the format, the real-time interaction, and the chance to explore ideas in greater depth—it all drew me in.

There’s something about a conversation that written content can’t quite capture. It’s messy, it’s spontaneous, it’s real. And that’s why it works. My conversation with Lisa is proof of that. It’s packed with practical insights, yet at its core, it’s just two people exploring an important topic.

Listen to Episode 1

If you’re interested in the manufacturing world or curious about how knowledge exchange can drive success, I’d love for you to check out the first episode. It’s full of practical takeaways, and I think you’ll find it as insightful as I did.

Thank you for following along as I embark on this new journey. I’m excited about what’s to come and hope you’ll join me on the ride.