June 23, 2023 By Nina Roper Yearwood

How A Holiday Mishap Became My Social Media North Star


In my early days as a Social Media Manager, I recall a particular incident that made me rethink my approach to crafting messages.

It was the time of year when businesses all over the world were sending out warm, festive greetings. I took on the task with enthusiasm, confident in my ability to produce a post that was not only in line with the brand's identity but also conveyed a spirit of holiday cheer.

However, my overzealous attempt to weave in an extensive recap of our annual successes—achievements, increased profits, and client growth stories—led to a holiday greeting that seemed more like an afterthought.

My editor, fortunately, offered some invaluable advice, articulating the concept in a way that still resonates with me today.

He explained that,

“Not every message needs to be a marketing pitch. Not all communications should include links to our services, products, or success stories.”

There's a time and place for that, but a holiday greeting, he advised, should simply celebrate the season.

Furthermore, he emphasized the power of subtlety in branding. A brand's essence can be captured and conveyed in countless ways without seeming overtly promotional or tastelessly flashy. This is where artistry, nuance, and creativity come into play.

Since that conversation, my approach has been evolving. I strive to be more perceptive of the occasion, the timing, and the tone of the messages. I aim to deliver content that is authentic to the moment, connects with the audience's sentiments, and subtly yet effectively captures the brand's essence.

A vital part of this growth has been the understanding and implementation of diverse types of posts. Consistency in branding doesn't necessarily mean repetition in content. Different kinds of posts—whether they're informative, engaging, promotional, or simply lighthearted—breathe life into a brand, allowing it to form a multifaceted connection with the audience.

So, as you navigate the intricate world of social media management, I hope you, too, find a balance in your marketing communications - a balance that respects the occasion, resonates with your audience, and subtly yet effectively embodies your brand.

To help, here are a few tips:


1. Tailor your Message to the Occasion

The effectiveness of your social media communication greatly depends on the context.  Tune in to what your audience cares about at different times. Is it a holiday season? Is there a trending topic they are engaged with? Your social media content should echo these sentiments. By creating content that feels personalized and timely, you'll build a stronger rapport with your audience.

Remember: If it's a holiday greeting, make it about the holiday. Celebrate your community, show gratitude, and share joy.


2. The Soft Sell Approach

Don’t be a faceless entity constantly pushing products or services. Instead, engage in conversations, share thoughts and opinions, celebrate successes, and even admit to failures. This humanizing approach can be a soft selling strategy that strengthens the bond between your brand and its followers. It builds trust and loyalty, which, in the long run, can convert into business success.

Remember: It's not always about the hard sell. Avoid turning every communication into a sales pitch. There's value in building relationships and simply engaging your audience.


3. Subtlety in Branding

Subtly integrate your brand's values and personality into your posts without being overly promotional. Your brand values can shine through in the way you respond to comments, the causes you support, or the stories you share.

Consider your brand as a personality, as a friend to your audience. Friends don't incessantly tout their achievements, right? They share stories, insights, wisdom, and even their vulnerabilities. This kind of authenticity fosters trust and deepens your connection with the audience.

Subtlety in branding doesn't mean diluting your brand presence. On the contrary, it’s about being so consistent and true in all your communications that your audience can recognize your brand voice, even when the logo isn't visible. 

Don't be afraid of being subtle. It's a powerful tool when wielded correctly. As you explore this concept, remember the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."


4. Timing Matters

Sensitive timing ensures your message aligns with your audience's current mindset, fostering a deeper connection. Show that you’re in tune with your community, relate to their experiences, and offer helpful tips where you can give value. 

Remember:  Be cognizant of external events that might influence your audience's receptiveness to different types of content.


5. Variety is Key

Diverse types of posts—be they educational, engaging, celebratory, or promotional—add dynamism to your brand's online presence, making it more relatable and vibrant.

Monotony can kill engagement on social media. Just like you would appreciate variety in a magazine or a newspaper, your audience expects a range of content on your social media pages. 

These could include behind-the-scenes peeks, team introductions, user-generated content, industry news, how-to guides, or even memes and jokes that align with your brand. 

Remember: A good content mix keeps your audience interested and shows different facets of your brand. 


Wrapping up

My journey is far from over, and I continue to learn from each experience. I hope that by sharing the wisdom I've distilled from my own missteps—yes, including that fateful holiday mishap—help you avoid the stumbles I encountered. 

Let's never forget that effective social media management is a journey, not a destination. It's about navigating an ever-evolving landscape with agility and adapting to shifting strategies with the understanding that yesterday's master plan may not fit today's context.

But amidst this whirlwind of change, some principles remain timeless. Crafting meaningful messages that resonate with your audience and building authentic relationships will never go out of style. These enduring lessons, etched into my memory many Christmases ago, now guide my way like a North Star.


This article was originally published on LinkedIn.

About Author

Nina Roper Yearwood

Nina Roper Yearwood is a B2B Digital Marketing Consultant with over a decade of experience specializing in social media, content strategy and creation, and audience engagement. She hosts and produces the podcast series "Copperberg Conversations on Manufacturing Matters" for Copperberg, an original content creation and events company.

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